Birthday Cakes Uk Biography
Pound cake refers to a type of cake traditionally made with a pound of each of four ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. However, any cake made with a 1:1:1:1 ratio of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar may also be called a pound cake, as it yields the same results. Pound cakes are generally baked in either a loaf pan or a Bundt mold, and served either dusted with powdered sugar, lightly glazed, or sometimes with a coat of icing.It is believed that the pound cake is a Northern European dish, that dates back to the early 1700s. Over time the ingredients for pound cake changed and everyone started adding different ingredients. For example, Eliza Leslie who wrote the 1851 edition of Direction for Cookery used 10 eggs and beat them as light as possible and mixed them with a pound of flour then adding the juice of two lemons or three large oranges, which changed the flavor and texture of the cake. Everyone had their own way and belief of making a pound cake. For instance, in the 2008 issue of Saveur, James Villas wrote that cake flour would not work in place of all purpose flour because it lacks the strength to support the heavy batter.There are numerous variations on the traditional pound cake, with certain countries and regions having distinctive styles. These can include the addition of flavouring agents (such as vanilla extract or almond extract) or dried fruit (such as currants or dried cranberries), as well as alterations to the original recipe to change the characteristics of the resulting pound cake. For instance, baking soda or baking powder may be incorporated to induce leavening during baking, resulting in a less dense pound cake. A cooking oil (typically a vegetable oil) is sometimes substituted for some or all of the butter, which is intended to produce a more moist cake. "Sour cream pound cake" is a popular variation in the United States, which involves the substitution of sour cream for some of the butter, which also is intended to produce a more moist cake with a pleasantly tangy flavor. Some of these variations may drastically change the texture and flavor of the pound cake, but the name pound cake is often still used. Some of the variations are described below.A traditional American pound cake would contain one pound each of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. This recipe is quite popular in the cuisine of the Southern United States.Pound cake is more commonly known in Britain as sponge cake, usually made from butter, caster sugar, self-raising flour and eggs in equal parts. Vanilla extract can be added to give a richer taste.In France, the pound cake is well-known. The name of the pound cake "quatre-quarts", means four quarters. There are equal weights in each of the four quarters. In tradition, the popular cake of the French region of Brittany, as its name implies, uses the same quantity of the four ingredients, but with no added fruit of any kind. Except, the Caribbean parts of the world that do speak French traditionally add rum to the ingredients for Christmas Eve or even mashed bananas for extra moisture. In some cases the French might have beaten egg whites instead of whole eggs to lighten the batter. Other variants include adding chocolate or lemon juice for flavour.In Mexico, the pound cake is called panqué. The basic recipe of Mexican panqué is much like the traditional U.S. recipe. Most common variants are panqué con nueces (pound cake with walnuts)[3] and panqué con pasas (pound cake with raisins).Ponqué is the Venezuelan and Colombian version of the pound cake: the term ponqué is itself a Spanish phonetic approximation of pound-cake. The ponqué is essentially a wine-drenched cake with a cream or sugar coating, and it is very popular at birthdays, weddings and other social celebrations.The German Eischwerkuchen (Ei = egg, schwer = heavy, all ingredients weigh as much as the eggs each) is a recipe very similar to the pound cake.Christmas cake is a type of fruitcake served at Christmas time in many countries.A Christmas cake may be light or dark, crumbly-moist to sticky-wet, spongy to heavy, leavened or unleavened,[citation needed] shaped round, square or oblong as whole cakes, fairy cakes, or petit fours, with marzipan, icing, glazing, dusting with icing sugar, or plain. If a Christmas cake is covered in icing, it is quite common for it to be decorated - models of houses, of fir trees or of Santa Claus may be in the array of decorations.A particular favourite of many is the traditional Scottish Christmas cake, the Whisky Dundee. As the name implies, the cake originated in Dundee and is made with Scotch whisky. It is a light and crumbly cake, and light on fruit and candied peel—only currants, raisins, sultanas and cherries. This Christmas cake is particularly good for people who don't like very rich and moist cakes. As with all fruitcakes, the almonds (or other nuts) can be omitted by people who don't like them or those with severe nut allergies.In the middle of the spectrum is the mincemeat Christmas cake, which is any traditional or vegetarian mincemeat, mixed with flour, eggs, etc., to transform it into a cake batter;it can also be steamed as a Christmas pudding.Coins were also occasionally added to Christmas cakes as well as Christmas puddings as good luck touch pieces. The usual choices were silver 3d piece, or sixpences, sometimes wrapped in greaseproof paper packages.In Yorkshire, Christmas cake, as with other types of fruit cake, can be eaten with cheese, such as Wensleydale.A cake that may also be served at Christmas time in the United Kingdom, in addition to the traditional Christmas cake, is the cake known as a "chocolate log". This is a swiss roll that is coated in chocolate, resembling a log.In the United States, some people give fruitcakes as gifts at Christmastime, but they are not called Christmas cakes. In the neighboring country of Canada, however, such an item is labelled a Christmas cake, at least among the English-speaking majority.In India, Christmas cakes are traditionally a fruit cake with many variants. Allahabadi cake is famous for its rich taste and texture.In Japan, Christmas cakes are traditionally eaten on Christmas Eve. They are simply a sponge cake, frosted with whipped cream, often decorated with strawberries, and usually topped with Christmas chocolates or other seasonal fruit.In the Philippines, Christmas cakes are bright rich yellow pound cakes with macerated nuts or fruitcakes of the British fashion. Both are soaked in copious amounts of brandy or rum mixed with a simple syrup of palm sugar and water. Traditionally, civet musk is added, but rosewater or orange flower water is more common now, as civet musk has become very expensive. These liquor-laden cakes can usually stay fresh for many months provided they are handled properly.In Germany, Stollen, a traditional German fruitcake, is popular. During the Christmas season, it's also called Weihnachtsstollen or Christstollen.In Italy, Panettone, a sweet sourdough bread with a distinct cupola shape, is traditionally eaten at Christmas. It contains raisins and candied citrus fruit and is prepared meticulously over several days.In France, a Bûche de Noël (Yule Log cake) is the traditional Christmas cake.In Cyprus, it is served on Christmas Day. It is the first treat the locals serve to their guests. Cypriot Christmas cake is much like the UK equivalent.
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs

Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
Birthday Cakes Uk Birthday Cake Images For Girls Clip Art Pictures Pics With Name Ideas With Candles Love Designs
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